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Bengaluru, Karnataka

Lakshmipraba U S is an Environment Sustainability Coach, Speaker, Author, Advisory consultant and founder of Rent A Cutlery initiative and Prithvimitra Innovations(OPC) Private Limited(Incubated at IIM, Bangalore) Bangalore.

Her niche is Waste Management, Climate change, Environment Sustainability, Toxin-free natural living.

She has been an instrument to impact 14000+ lives till date.

With Rent a Cutlery initiative more than 250,000 single use disposables saved from getting burnt in landfill.

She is certified from University of Maryland in Sustainabilty communication.

She is certified in Sustainability reporting in ESG.

She is a Heal your Life® Licensed workshop leader

She strongly believes in Grassroot level penetration which is Children. She believes in sowing seeds of conscious living at the young age. This seed manifested with her published book for children on waste segregation- Suju learns to be a green warrior.

Her Second Co-authored book published in April this year is “Divinely Gifted” Where she has co-authored with 17 wonderful authors.

She is an action taker & believes in Mahatma Gandhiji’s saying “Be The Change You Want To See in The World”

Lakshmi’s vision is to enable a low waste and toxin free world and impact 10 Million lives into Environment friendly living.

Website www.prithvimitra.com





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