
Loving Money, Creating Wealth

 In Other

Hosted By
Priyaa Shukla

Date(s) - 09/09/2023 - 10/09/2023
11:00 am - 12:30 pm



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For most people money seems to be the number one challenge. Yet it is easiest to manifest because it is heavy material energy. For many decades the belief that money is the source of all evil is readily propagated by media and movies which has subconsciously lead us to believe in lack, struggle and poverty thinking.


With so many things being questioned, Don’t you think it is time for us to transform our old habits, patterns and beliefs about money and wealth creation?  Yes, It is true that money cannot buy us everything. Yet in today’s materialistic world it will help you survive and sustain yourself. Which according to me can be the source of great relief.

This workshop is based on the ideas of the best-selling author Louise L Hay, Whose  books have sold millions of copies across the globe and her publishing company has a net worth of $100 million dollar and growing.

I have worked with many principles of Louise Hay including her ideas about wealth and have benefitted enormously. I’m an HNI today living and working out of a perfect condo in my favourite city.

Join us for our upcoming workshop:

Loving Money, Creating Wealth

Saturday-Sunday, 9 – 10 September 2023, 11 AM to 12:30 PM (both days)

Online on Google Meet

Investment Rs 1,499/- only

For registration, Whatsapp @ 9354240705


“Loving Money, Creating Wealth” Workshop is

  • Internationally Acclaimed Workshop conducted in 70+ countries every year
  • Over 100,000 have attended and benefitted from this workshop
  • Conducted by licensed trainers who have overcome odds and created wealth themselves

Emotional Benefits of the workshop

  • Gives hope
  • Makes you comfortable talking money matters
  • makes you love money
  • removes fear of failing
  • makes you optimistic about success
  • leaves you feeling confident, inspired and enthusiastic about creating wealth

Mental Benefits of the workshop

  • Changes your attitude towards improving income
  • Unleashes your creative energy to creating wealth
  • Increases your risk appetite
  • Gives courage to pursue your dream
  • Improves understanding of how money and the energy of money works

Physical Benefits

  • Improves spending habits
  • Makes you work efficiently
  • Gradually reduces debt
  • Makes you work towards creating multiple income streams
  • Gives you crystal clear clarity about money, wealth and your future

Changing your core beliefs and emotions about money and wealth, opens up opportunities for wealth creation.

What we will learn in the workshop:

  • Uncovering your limiting beliefs about money
  • Universal principles of money and wealth creation
  • Guided awareness and release exercises
  • Cultivating new thought patterns
  • Guided imagery
  • Reflection Exercise
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