
Love Yourself, Heal Your Life – Bangalore – 2 day workshop


Hosted By
Sushma I R

Date(s) - 23/09/2023 - 24/09/2023
9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Pride Hotel Bangalore

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This workshop is created by best-selling author of ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ – Louise L. Hay. Louise is considered the pioneer of the self-transformation movement. Her fundamental message is, if we learn to love ourselves, we can achieve anything that we desire. The teachings of this workshop have transformed the lives of millions across the world. This workshop runs successfully world-wide in 72 countries.

The basic Heal Your Life® philosophy is:

  • What we think about ourselves becomes true for us
  • Every thought we think is creating our future
  • We contribute to our experiences by thinking, feeling and behaving in a particular way
  • Loving our self is the foundation for positive change
  • We can forgive ourselves and those who have hurt us to release the past

The crux of the matter is that you have, over the years, developed deep-rooted beliefs that have not only stopped serving you, but actually stop you from achieving everything that you want.


This two-day workshop is transformational in the true sense of the word, because it begins with dealing with self-destructive beliefs by very lovingly working on yourself, uncovering layer after layer, releasing the past, embracing change and designing the life you truly wish to live, through different Activities, Reflections, Affirmations and Meditations.

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