
Love Yourself, Heal Your Life – 2 Day Transformational Workshop

 In 2 Day Workshop

Hosted By
Ambica Gupta

Date(s) - 29/07/2023 - 30/07/2023
9:30 am - 6:00 pm



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So, how many times have you let go of opportunities because you thought you are not good enough or struggled with relationships, felt emotions too strongly or not felt them enough?
It is time to look within, to do the mental work to eliminate negative beliefs that have held you back. We often accumulate emotional baggage through the journey of life which weighs us down.
Learn to reprogram your subconscious mind to embrace a life of happiness, joy, success, financial abundance, intimate loving relationships and spiritual growth.
 Sign up for this powerful life changing workshop, transform your mindset to live a life you love now.
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