
Heal Your Inner Child Virtual session

 In Other

Hosted By
Thulasi Manogaran

Date(s) - 30/08/2023 - 31/08/2023
9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Chennai, Tamilnadu


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Dear friends,
Louise Hay, an inspirational teacher and pioneer of propagating Self – Love has touched millions and millions of people around the world. She demonstrated leadership by creating workshop leaders, coaches, mentors, and books to serve the human community through unconditional positive regard. Louise transitioned from this realm to light on 30th August 2017, As a mark of respect Heal Your Life Teachers are offering workshops to pay tribute to dear Louise Works.
I was drawn to Louise Hay’s Works through my Heal Your Life Teacher Trainer Dr. G. L. Sampoorna. Ever since life altered to a meaningful mode and through Affirmations, Awareness exercises, and visualization, I am in a much better position than I used to be. This strong instinct to love self and break the patterns of hate, regret, and resentment had given me much space to heal at gods speed. Thanks to Louise and motivates me to spread her philosophy for personal growth and prosperity to others.
On this occasion, Happy
Workshop: Heal your Inner Child through love and forgiveness
Date: 30th & 31st August 2023
Time: 9 pm to 10 pm IST
Duration: 2 days (1 hr each day)
Mode: Online zoom
Investment: Rs. 1000/-
To register click here: https://forms.gle/BJM5LW8qWS8efBnz7
See you at the workshop!
P.S : This is also a wonderful opportunity to share and invite people in your life to benefit from this workshop
Love – Thulasi Giant Leap

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