
How Worthy Are You?

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“I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am worthy of the very best in life, and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it.” – Louise Hay

Have you ever felt like you’re not good enough? Found yourself constantly trying to prove your worth, or believing you have to earn love and acceptance? Longing for approval, appreciation, or just feeling seen?

When we feel unworthy, we tend to shut down, even in the midst of company. We put on a mask, quiet our inner voice, and suppress our true feelings, all in the hopes of fitting in or being accepted. Yet, ironically, this only makes us feel more isolated, disconnected, and alone.

We can easily find ourselves trapped in a loop of self-doubt and disapproval, pretending everything is okay while our soul cries out for something more. Louise Hay, in her transformative book You Can Heal Your Life, reminds us that worthiness is our birthright. We don’t have to prove or earn it. We deserve love, abundance, and joy simply because we exist.

Consider this: How often do you criticize or judge yourself? Louise teaches us that “Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it up.” Imagine what could change if, instead of tearing ourselves down, we chose to lift ourselves up? What if, every day, you found something—anything—that you could genuinely praise yourself for?

Loving and approving of yourself doesn’t mean settling for less or avoiding growth; it means freeing yourself from the prison of judgment. It means allowing yourself to pursue your dreams without carrying the weight of self-doubt and shame.

Tip of the Day:

“You’ve been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” – Louise Hay

Try it today. Speak kindly to yourself, find reasons to celebrate who you are, and see how your world begins to shift. Your worth isn’t something you have to earn; it’s something you can choose to claim, right here, right now.

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