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I like to think of myself as the eternal seeker, the eternal student of life. I teach what I need to learn myself. I teach yoga and I teach people to love themselves just the way they are. I try to teach people that they are the master of their minds and thoughts and not their slaves! At the end of the day i teach what i need to learn most!
I lived a life on the fast track for many years like many of you out there. I had a successful career in advertising in a large multinational advertising company( JWT) for 17 years. Position, power and perks.... I revelled in them. Had everything yet there was this aching and empty feeling that something was missing! My relationships were a mess. I constantly worried. Felt always stressed out. My work and personal life always seemed out of balance. I yearned for a more wholesome life. I was in this state of what I call "divine discontent " for a few years before mustering the courage to give up a lucrative career with all its frills and fancies and venturing into the unknown. Really feeling the fear and doing it anyway. I listened to the persistent nudges of my heart and allowed them to guide me to an unknown place with the trust that i was being led to just the right place for me!
What followed was a wonderful phase of spiritual awakening and self discovery. Suddenly many doors opened leading me to my life purpose, to my true calling. I stumbled onto yoga out of curiosity. From being an enthusiastic yoga practioner I took the next big step and got certified as a Yoga teacher from the world renowned international Sivananda Yoga Vedanta ashram in Kerala.
I encountered the wonderful teachings of Louise Hay in 2002. However it was only after attending a 2 day Heal Your Life workshop in 2011 was I motivated to do the teachers training in 2011 in UK. This was followed up by the Coach Training in Thailand in 2015.
I have joyfully and actively sharing this wonderful work since 2011, both in India and overseas, through the 2 day Love Yourself, Heal Your Life workshop as well as half day shorter, simpler and customized modules on areas such as Relationships, Finding your Life Purpose, Mind-Body Connection, Abundance, Forgiveness and Law of Attraction and Manifestation etc It is my deep, heart felt desire now to take this work to the corporates as well in way that is relevant and meaningful to them. There such a dire need for this work in that space!
Besides this, I have had the good fortune of encountering and practicing some other great spiritual teachings which I have imbibed and also reflect in the work I offer.Practices like the Vipassana Meditation and the practice of Mindfullness as taught by the Zenmaster Thich Nhat Hanh.
Recently I got certified as A COURSE IN MIRACLES teacher by celebrated Hayhouse author and teacher Alan Cohen. I am also leading ACIM study groups currently.The paths are many ...all leading to peace of mind, happiness and love. I love what I do and I do it with a sense of joy and service. I think of myself as an instrument as a vehicle for this divine work. And I surrender my work to God and my Gurus.
I love Life and Life Loves me!