‘Love Yourself, Heal Your Life’
Hosted By Varsha Rane varsharane867@gmail.com
Date(s) - 11/05/2019 - 12/05/2019
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Atharva Educational Trust
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Hello people …
I am having the 2 day ‘Love Yourself, Heal Your Life’ on 11th and 12th May in Mumbai.
This workshop helps to unravel your limitations very gently and replace them with thoughts and beliefs which would help you cherish yourself and others in a very authentic way.
Varsha Rane is an internationally certified and licensed Heal Your Life teacher, business trainer and life coach by Heart Inspired USA. She is a multifaceted personality who has 30 years of global exposure and has trained and coached Beauty pageant contestants , business professionals, corporates, and people from all walks of life… An intuitive person with unique ability to see and recognize the potential in people she meets. … She believes in constant evolution and betterment of all and has chosen to spread the awareness through her workshops …
Testimonials :
Sucheta Kashikar :
Touched By An Angel
The workshop conducted by Varsha was a truely life changing experience for me. It has really opened new doors of awareness in my life. You helped me realise the repeating patterns in my family. The affirmation bath relieved all the stress in my body and had a really nice peaceful sleep.My soul is completely rejuvenated and wow …… now I am in complete control of my life. I had forgotten to love myself. Never looked at myself in the mirror for more than 2 minutes in the morning. Thanks to you, Louise Hay and your wonderful team to have changed my thought patterns and awakening the truest essence of my soul.
Where do I even begin? Firstly thank you for a tremendous 2-day Heal Your Life workshop. I randomly came across it during a random Google search and instantly had a feeling it was something I needed in my life…how right I was! From the minute we walked in, you put us all at ease and created a safe environment which assured us that we could open up and discuss all our bottled up emotions without any fear of judgement. Both the days were incredibly interactive, therapeutic, inspiring and empowering. By the end of the workshop, I felt lighter emotionally and a sense of indescribable joy. I addressed feelings which I didn’t even realise existed and am fully aware of how I can work on myself for a better tomorrow. You have reassured me of my own potential to manifest my dream life and I cannot wait to do so…starting NOW. Thank you a million times over!
Dr Preeti Savardekar :
I completed the 2 day workshop with Mrs Varsha Rane and I feel so energised.. I can see changes already in my life.. my body aches are healing.. she helped me cleanse the toxins out of my system.. I feel blessed .. 

.. A must do for all.. just experience it..
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