
10 week online StudyGroup on Zoom

 In Other

Hosted By
Sharmishtha Ranade

Date(s) - 05/07/2020 - 06/09/2020
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Zoom Call


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“Life loves me and I am safe”. Louise Hay, author of international best seller ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, always said that our life is meant to be an easy and loving journey.

Come and discover your hidden ladders and learn the art of always climbing them – through Louise Hay’s internationally taught practices and philosophies.

  • 10 week online StudyGroup on Zoom
  • 2.5 hours every Sunday, 2pm – 4:30pm IST
  • 5th July to 6th September 2020
  • Rs. 7,500/- for all 10 sessions
  • 10-12 participants only
  • Learning through discussions, self awareness exercises, guided visualisations, buddy sharings, reflections and weekly practices

StudyGroup facilitated by Sharmishtha Ranade – Internationally Certified Coach and Heal Your Life Workshop and Teen Playshop Facilitator

To register email to sharmishtha@abundanthappiness.in OR whatsapp on +919820469289

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