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Sushant is an Internationally Certified Heal Your Life Workshop Facilitator and ICF Approved NLP Coach. His programs are empowering and people go home with healing energy and joy
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Pune, Maharashtra
Teacher, Teen Trainer

Sushant Kolhatkar is a Life Transformer, Motivator and an Internationally Certified "Heal Your Life Workshop Leader®. He specializes in programs such as Heal Your life, Teen EmPOWERMent, Stress Management, Ordering from Cosmic Kitchen to name a few.

He inspires people to know their true potential and motivates them through life transformation programs.

He carries around 16 years of experience in Corporate Arena with specialization in Program management, Leaderships, facilitating individuals and groups from various walks of life. He had been associated with various Indian as well as multinational organizations of repute and traveled half of the world with places like UK, USA, Australia, Singapore etc.

After spending 16 years in corporate world, he eventually realized his true calling towards healing & transformations. He is incredibly committed for assisting people in their inner journey and overcome obstacles in personal lives- particularly related to Health, relationships, Wealth and building career.

He strongly believes - "It’s Easy, Its Possible and We all can Do it."

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