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“What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.”
― Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
I am a people's person, a thorough optimist and believe that 'there are no coincidences in life' - we are constantly being guided by the Divine.
Having always been surrounded with people since childhood - I naturally moved to Teams and Client Servicing roles, post my post-graduation. That is where I realised my ability to connect and bond lovingly with people around me. Thus, was born the desire to connect with people and spread the vibrations of happiness!
In 2012, I had started medication for Thyroid. At that time, my friend gave me Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life book. That was my first awareness about how out thoughts can cause diesases. My lack of self-expression had converted itself into Thyroid in my body. Today, through a change in my thought patterns, I am off the medication.
This - along with very many other instances of how life kept becoming more and more beautiful each day – has been a great inspiration for me to reach out and share Louise's work with others.
Eventually the path lead to me being certified as a Heal Your Life Workshop Leader. I am currently working with Life Learning Solutions which is also about 'transformation'. Enthused by my colleagues, husband, daughter and my large and loving extended family - I am on the journey of spreading the vibrations of Abundant Happiness!
All is well in my world. And so it is!