
You Are Greater Than Your Fear

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Why do we feel fear? Why do we seek certainty and the need to control? Fear and anger are the most dominant emotions in the world today, and at their core, fear is simply a lack of trust—in ourselves and in life. When we don’t trust, we feel the urge to control everything. But here’s the truth: we can’t control everything in our lives, and that’s where fear takes over.

Fear narrows our minds and limits our possibilities. When we’re trapped in a cycle of worry, self-doubt, or fear, isn’t it amazing how everything seems to go wrong? Everyone feels fear when facing something new or unknown, yet many people move forward anyway. So, the problem isn’t the fear itself but how we handle it.

Louise Hay reminds us that love is the opposite of fear. The more we choose to love ourselves, trust life, and believe that we are supported at a deeper level, the more life surprises us with love, support, and safety. Trust is what happens when we take that leap of faith.

Tip for the Day:
You are not your fears. It is safe to live without constantly guarding yourself. When fear arises, open your heart and let the love within dissolve it. Trust that everything you need will come to you at the right time, in the right place, and in the right sequence. All you have to do is trust.

Embrace the unknown with an open heart and let life unfold in beautiful ways.

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