
Opening the Doors of Self-Love & Embracing Hearts

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❤️ Opening the Doors of Self-Love & Embracing Hearts❤️

“Doors Closing, Doors Opening,
Doors Are Closing, Doors Are Opening,
I Am Safe, It’s Only Change,
I Am Safe, It’s Only Change”
And so this was the healing mantra with instant hope,
Reassuring there’s nothing to worry about.
Closing old doors of past limiting thoughts and beliefs,
Opening doors of empowered thinking of self-belief,
Opening doors of self-love within and love around and the outside.
Making each day like a new birth for us,
And so we became one as healing hearts,
Putting only warmth and love in each other’s carts.

“In the infinity of life where I am,
All is perfect, whole and complete.
Today is a wonderful day,
I choose to make it so”.
With Louise’s powerful words like a song in my ears,
She teaches me to love myself,
Attached to the unlimited supply of the ocean,
Everything is in the perfect rhythm,
And so is the message from Divine Intelligence.

“It is a joy and a delight to plant new seeds,
For I know these seeds will become my new experiences.
All is well in my world”.
New pathways in the mind,
Giving a new meaning to kind hearts,
Abundance breathing into the body,
And so we experienced the power of the Mind-Heart-Body as One.

With tears of joy and warm, embracing hugs,
With positive affirmations as our strength and heartfelt passion to touch numerous lives,
We treasure every moment of our 8 days together,
And look forward to the dance of meeting again.

Heart full of gratitude,
To the angel teaching us to love ourselves and claim our power back – Louise, my very warm and compassionate teachers and my very powerful tribe of beautiful friends. We are shining our light and so it is 🌈💕.

#louisehay #healyourlife #healyourself #selflove #thoughtscreatereality #gratitude #innerwork #mindsetcoach #transformation #theprojectremind

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