
Be Kind Anyway

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So there I was, cruising towards Mapusa in Goa, when I found myself trailing behind this car. And on the back window, there’s this sign that says, “Learning to drive, sorry for any delay.”

Now, armed with that bit of information, I became the most patient driver in Goa. Every time they hesitated or fumbled with the gears, I was like, “Take your time, friend, we’ve all been there.” Honestly, they were doing pretty well for someone still figuring out the clutch.

But then I had this uncomfortable thought: Would I have been this patient if that sign hadn’t been there? And the honest answer? Probably not. I would’ve been huffing and puffing, wondering why they were taking so long. I can be quite a rocket on the road.

It hit me—how often do we cut someone some slack only when we know what they’re going through? Imagine if people walked around with signs that said, “Going through a divorce,” or “Just lost a loved one,” or “Battling depression.” We’d be a lot kinder, wouldn’t we?

But here’s the kicker: We don’t need a sign to remind us to be compassionate. Everyone’s carrying something, even if it’s not plastered on their bumper. So maybe, just maybe, we can try to be a little more patient, a little more understanding, even when we don’t have all the details. Because, let’s face it, we could all use a bit more kindness in our day.

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