
10 week virtual StudyGroup

 In Other

Hosted By
Sharmishtha Ranade

Date(s) - 01/09/2023 - 10/11/2023
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Online via Zoom


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“Everything in your life, every experience, is a mirror of the mental pattern that is going on inside of you.” – Louise Hay

Join in to understand your experiences…and create the new!

Join in to create empowering and loving experiences based on Louise Hay’s internationally taught practices and philosophies.

  • 10 week online StudyGroup on Zoom
  • 2.5 hours every Friday
  • 7:30pm to 10:00pm IST
  • 1st Sep to 10th Nov 2023 (break on 22nd Sep)
  • Rs. 12,500/- for all 10 sessions
  • Learning through discussions, self awareness exercises, guided visualisations, partner sharings, reflections and weekly practices

StudyGroup facilitated by Sharmishtha Ranade

Heal Your Life Coach, Workshop Leader, Family Constellation Therapist & Transformation Facilitation




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