
‘Love Yourself, Heal Your Life’ workshop

 In 1 Day Workshop

Hosted By
Priyaa Shukla

Date(s) - 22/07/2023
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

CoWrks, Golf Course Road, Gurugram


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Hello. I want to share my story with you today. In 2012, I was diagnosed with a rare and threatening neurological condition. The doctors advised me to take allopathic medicines for the rest of my life to keep the condition under control. After this diagnosis, I would live with a lot of fear. Not only did it take a toll on my body, but also on my mind. As I was feeling lost, I chanced upon “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay at a bookstore. I immediately bought it and started reading it. But I couldn’t finish it. Off the bat, I couldn’t relate to a lot of ideas in the book.

A few years passed. I moved to Gurugram. Here, I met a lady who conducted workshops based on the philosophy and work of Louise. A few months later, I attended my first Heal Your Life workshop. During the course of the workshop, I read “You Can Heal Your Life” again. Now it started making complete sense to me.

Based on the workshop, I started doing the exercises recommended by Louise in her book. Soon, these exercises became my second nature. They brought about very significant transformation in my life. It helped me overcome my fears. I realised that most of our fearful thoughts cause “dis-ease” in our body – be it headache or cancer. Fearful thoughts lead to self-sabotaging behaviour. Such behaviour directly impacts all aspect of our life – our relationships, our outlook towards career and wealth, our self-esteem, confidence and courage.

The question arises – Can we change our thoughts? How easy or difficult is it? What is the way to change our thoughts? What if they keep coming back?

Louise gives the answer to these questions and much more in her books and workshops. And I want to introduce her work to you in this 3-hour transformative workshop “Love Yourself, Heal Your Life”. In this workshop, we will:

  • Release the past and learn to love yourself
  • Learn how our thoughts create our reality
  • Learn to make changes in old thoughts, feelings and patterns
  • Learn all about the ‘mirror technique’ popularised by Louise Hay
  • Learn about taking quantum steps in self-acceptance
  • Create the life you want now
  • Why me? Because I am now a certified Heal Your Life Coach and Workshop leader, license by Heart Inspired USA. I have lived and benefited from Louise’s work. And I want to pass on this gift to you.

I look forward to seeing you in the workshop.

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